Regular School Day: 8:30 AM - 3:20 PM
Delayed Opening Day: 10:30 AM - 3:20 PM
Early Dismissal Day: 8:30 AM - 12:55 PM
It is necessary that a student be in attendance throughout the entire school day to benefit fully from the educational program of the district. In line with compulsory attendance laws, all students are expected to be on time for school.
Regular arrival time at school is between 8:05 AM and 8:25 AM. Arrivals after 8:30 AM will be marked late.
Late arrivals and requests for early dismissal should be kept to a minimum. Please make every effort to schedule appointments when they will not interfere with school. All requests must be in writing and should include the student’s name, teacher, date, time and reason. Parents should report to the office to sign for the arrival or release of the student.
Regular dismissal time is at 3:10pm. For the safety of your child, parents are strongly encouraged to pick up their children promptly at that time.
It is important that students be present each day that school is in session in order to maintain a high standard of achievement. These are the steps to follow when a student is absent:
If serious weather conditions force us to close the school, notice of such closing will be announced via the ParentSquare Notification System and posted on our website/social media. Lunch will be provided when we have delayed openings.
Should we have to close school while in session, you will be notified through the ParentSquare Notification System and posted on our website/social media.
Upper grade students may be dismissed to the address we have on file in our Oncourse data system. Please make sure your child knows how to reach that destination and have an emergency plan in place should school close early and you are not available. Younger children’s families should arrange for someone to pick them up immediately.
In order to best serve you and your child during an emergency, we MUST have updated contact information in our student information system, Oncourse. If any of your contact information changes, please remember to contact the Main Office immediately so that we may update your data on file.
For more information on ParentSquare, please see our District site’s ParentSquare page.
All visitors must be admitted to the school by pressing the buzzer located on the front door. For security reasons, all outside doors are kept locked while school is in session. Please report to the office, sign in upon entering and receive a visitor pass. All visitors must sign in indicating the time of entry, their name, and the reason for the visit. When the visit is over, they must sign out indicating the time of exit. As a professional courtesy, we ask that all visitors schedule an appointment with the teacher prior to their arrival. Visitor badges must be worn at all times while in the building.
At all times, students should be neat, clean, and dressed appropriately for school. Appropriate dress is defined as that which is safe and not disruptive to learning. Students have physical education twice a week and are outside for recess. Proper clothing and footwear are required for these activities.
Effective discipline defines how to prevent misbehavior from occurring (Restorative Justice), what to do when it does occur (action), and how to handle students who chronically break the rules (resolution). We consider all aspects of the educational environment when dealing with discipline issues. What are the 4 key values of the restorative justice program?
The definition of restorative justice cited in the Key Terms of this Module, includes a range of key values, such as 'voluntary' participation, 'truthful' speaking, the creation of a 'safe and respectful' environment, a positive commitment to 'repair' and a concern to 'clarify accountability for harms'.
The key to a good plan for discipline are good expectations and consequences organized from sound principles. Good principles provide guidelines for behavior. Principles are reasons for individual expectations. Enforceable expectations should be consistent with these sound principles:
General Rules
Lunchroom Rules
Playground Rules
School responses to violations of behavioral expectations are listed below:
1. Admonishment / Reprimand
2. Temporary Removal from Classroom
3. Meeting Between School Administration and Parent
4. Deprivation of Privileges
i. moving freely about the school building;
ii. participation in co-curricular or inter-interscholastic activities;
iii. attendance at a school related social or sports activity;
iv. participation in a graduation ceremony;
v. transportation to and from school on a school bus (if applicable);
vi. any other privilege the building principal or designee determines may be appropriate and consistent with Policy and Regulation 5600 and N.J.A.C 6A:16-7.1 et seq.
5. Detention
6. Grade Adjustment
7. In-School Suspension
8. Suspension from School
9. Expulsion
Possible responses do not necessarily have to be sequential and will ultimately be determined by the school administration or designee. Should an incident occur on school property that falls under the jurisdiction of the local law enforcement agency, administration may be required to contact that agency.
The Board of Education acknowledges the educational validity of homework as an adjunct to and extension of the instructional program of the school. Briefly, the policy recommends daily homework assignments as follows:
Kindergarten: Not to exceed 10 minutes
First Grade: Not to exceed 10 minutes
Second Grade: Not to exceed 20 minutes
Third Grade: Not to exceed 30 minutes
Fourth Grade: Not to exceed 40 minutes
Long-term projects and reading assignments should not be construed as daily homework. We recommend the following to parents:
Charged lunches MUST be paid for the following day. Breakfast is served from 7:55-8:15 AM in the Cafeteria. Late students will be offered a breakfast upon arrival which will be eaten in their classroom. Milk is included as part of both these meals. Additional milk, water or other beverages are available for purchase during lunch.
A school Food Advisory Committee meets as needed to review the program and offer recommendations. This committee is comprised of students, staff and parents.
More information regarding our District Food Services can be found on our district website.
Although the potential exists for student exposure to inappropriate or illegal materials via the Internet, the district has purchased numerous safeguards to block that material. Students never use the Internet without a teacher present and supervising. Please review and acknowledge the Internet Use Agreement and 1:1 Device Agreement located in the annual registration forms in the OnCourse Connect parent portal and review our linked Board Policy which can be found on our District website on the Technology Policies and Agreements page The agreements will be valid for the current school year.
Please remember to label clothing and lunch boxes to avoid confusion.
Through this work, safety patrols learn to assume responsibilities and assist the other children to play safely. Being a safety patrol member establishes good traits not only for safety but also for building character, citizenship, respect for property and the rights of others.
School spirit is an integral part of the learning environment in the South Hunterdon Regional Elementary School. Student Council members meet regularly to suggest, discuss and decide upon “special event” days.
Student insurance coverage for accidental injury or death is not provided by the South Hunterdon Regional School District Board of Education and therefore should be secured through each family’s own life, health, and accident insurance.
When dropping off children, please pull all the way up to the end of the driveway so as not to block incoming cars. Please do not park or leave a car in the driveway. This is a fire lane only. In the event of an emergency, rescue vehicles would not be able to attend to the needs of our children if this lane is blocked. There is a designated area for vehicles of school personnel. No parking or standing is permitted in these areas during school hours.
As per state law, please refrain from smoking or vaping anywhere on school premises.
Celebrations are held for Halloween, winter holidays, Valentine’s Day and the end of the school year. We respectfully request that unless every child in the class is invited to a party outside of school, invitations should not be handed out in school.
SHRSD offers an integrated preschool program. Enrollment is based on a lottery system. You may call the Main office to have your child’s name placed on a waiting list. For special education needs, the Child Study Team conducts free evaluations for any child 3-5 years of age who is a resident of the district and who might have a developmental delay or potential learning disability. Parents having concerns about their child’s development should complete a Child Study Team Request for Evaluation form in order to determine if special education services will be needed. If you have or know a preschool aged child who will be 3 years of age or older during the school year, and may need special services, please contact the SHRSD Director of Pupil Services for information at (609) 397-1311.
Personal technology devices/gadgets should not be used at any time during the school day, as defined as the time period from arrival until dismissal. They may not be taken to lunch or recess and must remain “turned off” in the backpack if brought to school. If technology devices/gadgets are used during school time, they will be confiscated. If you need to contact your child while they are in school, please call the Main Office, (609) 397-0183. All messages will be delivered to students.
The administration of prescribed medication to a student during school hours will be permitted only when failure to take such medicine would jeopardize the health of the student, or the student would not be able to attend school if the medication were not made available to him/her during the school day. Medication means any prescription drug or prescribed over-the-counter medicine or nutritional supplement.
A written order of the prescribing physician is required for all medications, which shall include the following information:
A written request form is available on our District Health Services page of the parent giving the nurse permission for administration of medication is required. Medication must be kept in the nurse’s office in the original labeled container. No medication will be accepted if it is not in the original container.
If a student needs medication on a field trip, the child’s parent or nurse will administer it.
If your child is not allowed to go outdoors at recess time for medical reasons, a doctor’s note is required. If your child is to be excused from gym, a doctor’s note is required.
It is important to have written communication of any changes in your child’s health on file. Please inform the school nurse of any operations, injuries, communicable disease, etc. You may email the school nurse at
Parents should be certain that a child is in good health before coming to school. Attendance during illness may be harmful to the child and expose other children to possible infection. Please do not send your child to school if you are doubtful of his/her physical well-being.
Children who have a fever, diarrhea, or are vomiting should rest at home for 24 hours before returning to school. We ask for your complete cooperation in this matter.
If your child becomes ill during the school day, you will be notified and asked to transport your child home. If the nurse is unable to contact you, she will call the emergency contacts you have included in your OnCourse Parent Portal or have notified the main office about.
The Board of Education requires students of this district to submit health examinations:
Each student attending school for the first time and each student transferring into this district shall present evidence of a physical examination. Students enrolled in PreK, Kindergarten, 2nd and 4th grades shall submit a physical examination performed by their own primary physician.
Vision screenings and audiometer testing will be conducted on students in grades K through 6. Scoliosis screenings will be done every other year after the age of 10. Scoliosis is a condition in which there are one or more curvatures of the spine. If discovered early, it may be treated conservatively to prevent further impairment.
The Board of Education has developed a policy regarding substance abuse for the benefit of the individual student, for the welfare of the school in general, and with the concern for our society. The Board acknowledges the assistance of interested and knowledgeable members of our community including representatives from the Hunterdon Medical Center, National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Hunterdon Drug Awareness Program and law enforcement personnel in the development of this policy. The Board recognizes that drugs and alcohol interfere with the education process, and so it is the philosophy and policy of the Board to prevent and control the use/abuse of alcohol and other drugs on or in school facilities and at all times when the students are under the jurisdiction of the school.
The Board recognizes that it must proceed according to code and statue that provides for legal action to be taken to those who possess, sell, distribute, or misuse alcohol and other drugs.
The board of education believes that a safe and civil environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying, like other disruptive or violent behaviors, is conduct that disrupts both a student's ability to learn and a school's ability to educate its students in a safe environment. Therefore, the school district will not tolerate acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying.
The board of education expects all students to treat each other with civility and respect and not to engage in behavior that is disruptive or violent. The board expects students to conduct themselves in keeping with their level of maturity, with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students, for school personnel, for the educational purpose underlying all school activities, and for the care of school facilities and equipment.
The standards of character education are an essential component of the District’s Code of Conduct. The board believes that with the appropriate infusion of character education into the school curriculum, modeling of appropriate behavior by adults; support and assistance of students in school, the community and home; our students will achieve the above standards of character education.
“Harassment, intimidation or bullying” is defined as any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents, that is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability, or by any other distinguishing characteristic, that takes place on school grounds, at any school-sponsored function or on a school bus, or off school grounds, in accordance with law, that substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students, and that:
“Electronic communication” means a communication that is transmitted by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to a telephone, cellular phone, computer, or pager.
To view this policy in its entirety, please visit our district website’s HIB page.
1. Bullying vs. Normal Conflict
The following behaviors may be inappropriate and should be addressed, but alone are not considered bullying:
2. What is the law?
Under New Jersey law, “Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying” (HIB) means any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act or any electronic communication, whether it is a single incident or a series of incidents that:
3. How are bullying allegations handled?
SHRES prides itself on being a safe and caring environment for all learners. If there is a suspected act of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying (HIB) the following procedures are followed:
For more detailed information regarding our district’s Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying policy please visit our District HIB page.
4. What are we doing to address and prevent bullying in our school?
South Hunterdon Regional School District takes Affirmative Action steps necessary to provide equal employment and a harassment free environment for its employees and educational opportunity for all its students regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability, or socio-economic status.
The school system’s Affirmative Action plans for employment/contract practices and school/classroom practices are on file within our district. Staff development is available to community members upon request. Please call the school office to obtain dates for in-service and/or visit our district Affirmative Action page for our Affirmative Action Officer's contact information.